Monday, June 9, 2008

Artists and artworks at the Artemisia Art galleries

Sinae Lee and Antoine Gaber

Marieta Reijerkerk, Martin J. A. Nijman, Carlotta Marzaioli, Mary Brilli, Antoine Gaber, Vito Abba, Angelina Herrera, Karel Vreeburg, Sinae Lee, Mirella Setzu

Kosmas Kroussos and his wife

Sumio Inoue's artworks

Antonio Pugliano's artworks

Leticia Leal Hinojosa's artworks

Friday, June 6, 2008

Exhibition fundraising cocktail at "La Rose des Vents", Plage du Larvotto, on 5th June, 2008

The artists with Angelina Herrera, Coordinator Florence Biennale/Passion for Life Program

Antoine Gaber and Mirella Setzu

Eric Heremans of Gemluc and Dr. Georges Garnier

Eric Heremans and Princess Camilla di Borbone

Sietze Groenewold

Sinae Lee, Dr. Georges Garnier, Mrs. and Mr. Brych

Goga Trascierra, Maz Jackson, Sinae Lee

Karel Vreeburg

Antoine Gaber, Betty Jonker, Princess Camilla di Borbone

Antoine Gaber and Michele Cucuzza, journalist and TV anchorman

Antoine Gaber and BĂ©atrice Brych, president of Gemluc

Press Review

Il Secolo XIX, 5 June 2008

Nice-Matin, 3 June 2008